select Company ,QueryID ,AuthorID ,Description ,DisplayPhrase ,IsGlobal ,IsShared ,SystemFlag ,Version ,Updatable ,SystemFlag from Ice.QueryHdr where SystemFlag =0and IsShared =1 orderby QueryID, AuthorID
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
-- 待验证 select Company, casewhen Source ='BO'then'BPM' when Source ='DB'then'DataDirectives' when Source ='DQ'then'BAQMethod' else'Other'end Source, DirectiveGroup ,BpMethodCode ,DirectiveType ,Name ,[Order] , casewhen IsEnabled =1then'InUse'else'Obsolete'end [Status] ,Body from Ice.BpDirective where Thumbnail<>'' orderby DirectiveGroup desc,BpMethodCode,[Order]
1 2 3 4 5 6
select Company ,ProductID ,DefinitionID ,Description ,DashBdVersion ,DataBaseVersion ,LastDeployedBy ,LastDeployedDate ,LastUpdatedBy ,LastUpdated ,DashboardSchema ,DashboardAssembly ,HasDashboardAssembly from Ice.DashBdDef where SystemFlag =0 orderby DefinitionID
获取自定义的Customization Form
1 2 3 4 5 6
select Company ,ProductID ,TypeCode ,Key1 as CustIDOrName ,Description ,Key2 as AppForm ,LastUpdatedBy ,LastUpdated ,SysCharacter04 as [Status] ,CommentText from Ice.XXXDef where SystemFlag =0and TypeCode in ('Customization') and Key1 <>'CustomContextMenu' Orderby Key1
获取自定义的Quick Search
1 2 3 4 5
select Company ,QuickSearchID ,Description ,ExportID ,LikeDataFieldTableID ,LikeDataFieldName ,ReturnFieldTableID ,ReturnFieldName, CallFrom ,UserID ,Version ,IsShared ,BaseDefault from Ice.QuickSearch where SystemFlag =0 orderby QuickSearchID
获取自定义的Posting Rules
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
select b.Company ,b.ACTTypeUID ,a.ACTRevisionUID ,b.DisplayName ,b.DetailedDescription ,a.RevisionCode ,a.Description ,a.RevisionStatus ,a.SendToReviewJournal ,a.IsDefault ,a.RType from Erp.ACTRevision as a leftjoin Erp.ACTType as b on a.ACTTypeUID = b.ACTTypeUID where a.RevisionStatus ='Active'and a.RevisionCode <>'Base Std'
获取自定义的BAQ & WhereUsed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
select a.Company ,a.QueryID ,a.AuthorID ,a.Description ,a.DisplayPhrase ,a.IsGlobal ,a.IsShared ,a.SystemFlag ,a.Version ,a.Updatable ,a.SystemFlag ,b.Description as WhereUsedQuickSearch ,c.ReportID as WhereUsedRptID ,c.Description as WhereUsedRptDesc ,c.SSRSReportName as SSRSReportName ,d.DefinitionID as WhereUsedDashBd from Ice.QueryHdr as a leftjoin Ice.QuickSearch as b on a.QueryID = b.ExportID leftjoin Ice.BAQReport as c on a.QueryID = c.BAQRptID leftjoin Ice.DashBdBAQ as d on a.QueryID = d.QueryID where a.SystemFlag =0and a.IsShared =1 orderby a.QueryID, a.AuthorID
获取UD Field
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
select SystemCode ,DataTableID ,DBTableName ,FieldName ,Seq ,Description ,DataType ,UDRequired ,UDReadOnly ,FieldFormat from Ice.ZDataField where DataTableID in ( select DataTableID from Ice.ZDataTable where TableType='UD') and FieldName notin ('UD_SysRevID','ForeignSysRowID')